You should always accept if you have any negative thing in you and remember the mantra “Better late than never”.
I commented this because, I am using wordpress from last 4 years but the fact is I was totally unaware of Such meet ups and WordCamp happening in and around my city. Thanks to one of my network friend Vivek Sancheti, I was made aware of such camp which recently took in Baroda – India and after that Pune – India. Thanks to him, I got registered for Pune WordCamp and I attended the event. I am going to throw some light on the event.
The complete event “WordCamp Pune 2013” was organized by “Amiworks” Pune and “PES Modern College of Arts, Commerce and Science”. The venue was in new building of Modern College 1186/A, Shirole Road, Shivajinagar Pune Maharashtra.
Some insights

To start with, please, don’t ask me how I manage to get to the venue, it was really terrific experience, but some how I managed to get to Pune. I belong to Mumbai and like to share one experience of taking a Public Transport bus from some location to a point near to venue . And I was really amazed with the interaction with the conductor of Public Transport bus, I gave him Rs 20 note and asked for Modern college, he said give me change, so I gave him Ra 10 note, still he asked me to give change. Later on, I been frustrated I told him give the ticket and ticket was for Rs 8. I am not concerned with Rs 2. I am just sharing, because in Mumbai people ask for at least 1-2Rs change sometimes, and he did had the change, on top of it asking to give complete change. This really made me feel, “Amchi Mumbai” is really great. Lets keep this fight aside and have a look at the event.
To start with the event, it started with the verification and confirmation of seat booked online. Also provided coupons for the snacks and lunch as a part of the event. The breakfast was really awesome and now we go ahead from here.
The session started with Inauguration speeches of Senior Management from College and they felicitated all the members on the dais including Mr Amit Kumar Singh from WPoets who leads the team for making this event a success.

After, an overview speech from the College management, the mike was handed over to the first speaker of the day and most awaited session started.
Speaker #1: King Sidharth
Sidharth covered topic “Making It Responsive – logic, code & tricks of trade”. He explained about layout, readability on mobiles, CSS hacks, using CSS frameworks like
Twitter bootstrap and many such minute points which we should not forget having in our blog.
Speaker #2: Savita Soni
I, myself being a developer liked this session a much. The session was on “Power of WP Query”. If you are a WP developer then you can surely understand what does it stands for. She explained using WP Query in well optimized way and what necessary precaution needs to taken while using with in our code.
Speaker #3 Saurabh Shukla
Saurabh is also a developer and covered topic “Developing open source WordPress plugins: The art, science and Zen”. He explained how to go about creating a plugin and maintaining the same. Focused on point of giving support. Developing a plugin is an “Art”. Having knowledge about the plugin you develop and reach out to the audience using it is very much essential. This session was again power packed for developer and it was really great.
Before, we move ahead to any further session, there was Marketing speech by the sponorors – ResellerClub about the affliate programs.
After this, it was time for “Peth Puja”, the lunch contained traditional “Marathi” dish “Batatechi Bhaji”(Potato) and “Puri”. The lunch was really awesome, who can
forget the “Shrikhand” as desert. With full stomach now it was again time for to go ahead with the session, god only knows how many were awake after that.
Speaker #4: Nikhil Vishnu
He covered the topic of “Building Native Mobile Apps with WordPress”. He explained why do we need apps for WP. He explained how to get an app for your WP readers. Also he developing a product which would give an installer for your Android phones, its still under development and would be announced soon.
Speaker #5: Aniket Pant
He covered the topic of “Metaboxes. Do them right”. This session was mainly focused on how to create any type of application and having Metaboxes implemented which could build a more stable app.
Speaker #6: Veerendra Thike
He covered the topic “Responsive & Responsible Themes”. The main point in this presentation was “Responsiveness is the need of future” so start building “Future Pro0f Themes”. I hope this will help in creating your new themes.
Speaker #7: Gaurav Singh
He covered the topic of “WordPress Security: Nothing exposed to WWW is 100% secure” this was really a great session. It covered few minute points which we forget as a part of development but its of prime importance when the site/blog is live.he explained about the different types of attacks that can happen on the site.Purpose of such attack, and how to avaoid such attacks. This session was of prime importance to those who have blog/site and want to know how to prevent attacks on their site.
Speaker #8: Nisha Singh
“Namashkar – Ye WP vani hai”, The topic was “How to get your theme in repository or theme repo” and it was well narrated in our native language “Hindi”. This was the best part. The session in depth covered the complete process to get your theme listed on WordPress repository and precaution needs to be taken while doing so. As, I said “Better Late Than Never”, I enjoyed the day one, though the session were developer oriented, others did tried to get some knowledge. The attendees would also agree with me that the session helped them a lot.
Now, it was time for networking, and yes I came across many personality that day. This was Day 1, Day 2 is still pending, stay tuned with for the updates. I wish the WordCamp Group to have such meet ups and events on frequent basis so we can interact even more.
Thanks and WordPress ki jai ho………..
Great Sessions missed it for sure then 🙁
Yes, the session were great. Better luck next time 🙂
Hope I Would Have Attended Too… Better luck Next Time… 🙁
Long live WordPress 🙂
Glad to meet you Sahil.
Same here Abhishek, it was nice meeting you.
Can you share the links of slides of all speaker ?
I will get it to you asap
Pingback: WordCamp Pune 2013 Spotlight Day 2 - Krazy Post
WordCamp is the best place for blogger where you can learn the most and even get in contact with big blogger…
Thanks Vivek for stopping by and yes WordCamp is really great event for all
Hi Dude,
Informative Post. in my opinion WordCamp was the best place and best opportunity for blogger where you can learn alot things which are most helpful and useful for us. Really i am so sad . Actually i missed alot. but sure i will keep remember and i must try next time. Well thanks dear…Plz ..keep in touch.
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