Hello friends and fans, welcome to interview section of KrazyPost.com
In this section we interact with some pro and some passionate bloggers. Hope this section energizes your blogging spirit with in you.
Today, we have one such passionate blogger with us in this section – “Let the Blogger Speak – Interview with Vivek Sancheti from eYuva.com ”
Vivek is a student and freelance developer, let see what Vivek has tell to us about blogging . Read this to get the insight about him.

Sahil(KrazyPost): Please tell us a about yourself and your blog?
Vivek Sancheti: I am currently pursuing BE degree in Computer Science from Atmiya Institute of Technology Rajkot. I am also a freelance web-application developer and Tech-Blogger at eYuva.Com. I love watching movies, traveling and blogging on technology. In a single line I would say I am a happy go lucky geek.
Talking about my blog, eYuva.Com, it’s a Social Media Magazine mainly focused on gadgets and the “how to”.
Sahil(KrazyPost): When and Why did you start blogging?
Vivek Sancheti: I started blogging in the year 2010 (on 14th of Feb) with the aim to share my knowledge on technical stuff, various gadgets etc. among my friends but today my small idea has expanded and my blog is loved, followed and read by a vast population.
Today blogging has become my passion. I mainly write on gadgets and “how to” in my blog.
Sahil(KrazyPost): How did you enter the blogging world?
Vivek Sancheti: Well everything starts with some reason. Talking about the last year of school, I used to help my friends in buying gadgets. I was like amateur GEEK, everyone in my friend circle used to consult me for any kind of help related to technology. I constantly answered questions like how to format desktop’s, which mobile is worth buying, how to do this and that, etc.
This sparked the idea of blogging.. If I could help my friends then why not start a blog and help a community of like minded people. Thereafter I started learning blogging on blogger and started my first blog eyuva.blogspot.com. Later bought a domain and shifted to Word press. This was how I stepped into this marvelous world of blogging.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Are you a part time blogger or a full time blogger?
Vivek Sancheti: Currently I am part time blogger and freelance web application developer and even doing engineering. I concentrate on all the things simultaneously but in near future, on acquiring my Bachelor degree I am planning to opt for full time blogging along with web application development.
Sahil(KrazyPost): What do you do apart from blogging?
Vivek Sancheti: Apart from blogging as mentioned in above questions I am a freelance web application developer and I am doing my Internship at TxtWeb (IntuitIndia). I develop SMS applications for “txtweb”. These applications display power of Internet via SMS.
How much time do you spend on your blog weekly?
Presently as I am a part time blogger I spend almost 2 hours a day for my blog so the count goes to 14 hours a week. Generally I write two to three articles per week.
Sahil(KrazyPost): How blogging has changed your life?
Vivek Sancheti: I will love to answer this question; frankly speaking blogging has changed my life a lot. Via blogging or we can say all due to blogging my friend circle of like minded people has expanded with leaps. I have friends in almost each and every state of India. So whenever I post even a status on Facebook stating: Planning to visit a particular state’s I receive so many comments saying do visit our place so we can plan a blogger’s meet up here, etc.
All due to Blogging I got to know about lot many things. It has increased my knowledge level. I am blogging since almost 2-3 Years and I can say one thing from my experience if you wish to connect with like minded people’s then start a blog all about stuffs you like. Soon your friend network will grow and you will get in touch with people who will help you in times of difficulties.
Sahil(KrazyPost): What inspires you to blog?
Vivek Sancheti: Well as I am blogging on “How to” and tech stuff’s ,when I receive comments from the readers saying “thanks for the post it helped me a lot, keep on writing” inspires a lot. It feels really great when you get to know that via your blog you could help someone in one or other way.
So for me you can say my blog reader’s comments inspire me a lot.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Which are other blog you own?
Vivek Sancheti: Currently I own only one blog that is eYuva.Com. I will start few other niche blog soon after my bachelor’s degree course ends. As at present I am running out of time. So it’s better to concentrate on one for the moment.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Which blogging platform you prefer? WordPress/Blogger – Why?
I have worked on both the platforms so sharing my views. Talking about blogger, it’s a free blogging platform and is hustle free so if you are newbie or you don’t wish to get into to technical stuff’s then blogger is for you.
If you have grip over technical stuff’s like canonical links, “htaccess”, etc and you want higher level of customization for your blog then there is no other better option than WordPress.
It also can be said so that blogging platform doesn’t matter, all that matters is the worthy content you provide via your blog. So I would suggest that one should first of all concentrate on content which they are meant to provide via their blog.
I wish to give an advice here to all newbie’s that if you wish to start blogging first of all start with blogger and later with passage of time if you feel there’s need for higher level of customization then you can shift to WordPress.
And yeah one more thing I wish to add here, see if you are blogging via Blogger and have sure shot plans for growing your blog into a huge brand then I would suggest buying out a Custom domain for it so that you maintain the brand name from the start.
Sahil(KrazyPost): What do you do to drive traffic to your blog?
Vivek Sancheti: I follow only one rule, “Content is King and design is Queen”. I just concentrate on content which I provide via my blog and along with the overall design i.e. the look and feel of my blog. I have never tried out any unethical stuff like buying high PR back links, black hat SEO, etc.
Many people have suggested me to start guest posting at least for gaining authentic back links, but till now I haven’t tried hands on it. I feel one should concentrate on content in blog and Search engines will automatically give better readers.
Once you get better readers, if they like your blog and content on it they will surely share with all their friends. And in this way readers of your blog will grow on.
Sahil(KrazyPost): How do you monetize your blog?
Vivek Sancheti: Main source of Monetisation income at the moment is AdSense. Sometimes apart from it I do get some bucks for paid reviews but I accept them only if the product is worth reviewing else I ignore the offers.
There are many other ways a blogger can earn money like selling links, direct advertising, providing some kind of services, etc. but for now I am Monetizing my blog only via AdSense program run by Google.
Which fellow bloggers you follow the most?
There are many bloggers I follow and they do inspire me a lot, few of them are as follows :
Robin Son (Dailytut.com)
Pradeep Kumar (HellBoundBloggers.com)
Amit Agarwal (Labnol.org)
Harsh Agrawal (ShoutMeloud.Com)
Amit Bhawani (AndroidAdvices.Com)
There are various other bloggers I follow but these are the main leads.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Any Blogging Tips you would like to give to our readers?
Vivek Sancheti: Tips for all newbie who wish to start blogging is that Instead of concentrating on gaining back-links, or any other such stuffs better Concentrate on content in your blog. Choose niche of your blog according to your liking don’t choose a niche which has high CTR, etc. And once you start blogging keep patience, you will not get readers in just few days you need give time to your blog to gain higher count of readers.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Any success/failure you would like to share from your blogging journey?
Vivek Sancheti: When I had started blogging I knew about AdSense, applied for it from the first day of blogging and frankly speaking I got rejected. My application for AdSense got rejected for almost 4-5 times there after that I analyzed why it was happening. I found the problem and fixed it. It was because instead of concentrating on Content on blog and Readers of it I started concentrating on Stuff which would get me in into AdSense soon.
Then I stopped applying and started concentrating on my blog after almost 2 months of last rejected AdSense application I refilled the application and I was in into AdSense program.
Currently my blog is PR 2 and soon Hoping for Higher PR Rank. But I Personally feel that Page Rank algorithm is currently unstable as I see people around me without any content are ranking very high and those with quality content are still on PR 0. So it’s better to concentrate on Content than PR ranking techniques.
“So to wind up things I’d say that concentrate on the content foremost.”
We from KrazyPost.com team wishes Vivek, All the Best and fabulous blogging career ahead. Hope to see some great work by Vivek.
Hope this interview gave an insight of one such passionate blogger from India.
Stay tuned for more such article.
Happy Blogging…!!!
nice interview and inspiring story too.. God bless u Vivek.. 🙂 🙂
@saurabh rai
thanks for appreciation.
hey you got wonderful blog name 🙂
Thanks Pinakin Bhadeshiya for the appreciation, hope you like the content on this blog
thanks for appreciation.
Hey Sahil,
Thanks for Conducting Vivek’s Interview! I don’t know much about him.. So this really helped me to know about another Cool Geek! 🙂
Hello Vivek,
Good to know about you..!!
As you said, even I too Believe “Content is King and Design is Queen” for any blog!
At one point I strongly agree with you and i know most of the bloggers will agree that because of blogging we are connect with MINDED people across the world! They gives us lots of confidence and motivate us to do something! I haven’t met any blogger till now but I really wish. Blogging has really changed all of our’s life!
I wish you all the Good Luck and Success for your future! 🙂
Happy Blogging!
Thanks Sugandha for reading and appreciating the article
@sugandha Oh thanks for the awesome comment..
Yup blogging is the best way to connect with the like minded peoples.
And best of Luck to you for your newly started blog.
i m so happy for you… i m proud of you … 🙂
Thanks a lot 🙂
True n Motivational words ……. .. . i wish u ‘l touch the skies Vivek…. have a colorful future 🙂
Thanks for motivational comment..
Thanks Rookmani for visiting, and yes Vivek will go long way.:)
Thank you vivek for sharing your wondrful experience with us. really nice interview .
Thanks bro. Hope you to start your blogging journey soon.
Super Awesome !!
keep up the good work 🙂
Thanks Palak Sanghani for the appreciation
Thanks 🙂
Hi Sahil!
such a awesome Interview.
He is one of my favorite Blogger and also my senior in Computer Science in Our Collage. I know him personally but meet him face to face only one time. :/ His all activities and achievement Inspire me a lot to learn something new and new. I’ve learnt a lot from him about Blogging and much more. I entered in blogging world only because of him. I can say he is really Cool and Nice Guy!
Hey Vivek,
It is such Inspiration story and it Inspire many newbie Bloggers like me. Thanks buddy! And all the best for your future.!
Thanks Sahil for this great Interview.
Happy Blogging ! \m/
Thanks a lot bro..
Such comments really touches heart …
I just wish that you to start working on your blog with passion.
Secondly i dont consider you as junior i just pursue you as a friend so any time any help you need you can contact me.
nice interview ……….Vivek Sancheti…all the best..
Thanks.. 🙂
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hey vivek,
Nice to read your interview.
You are really doing a gr8 job.
Keep it up. (Y)
This itself inspires me.
All d best for future.
Loved the interview. Best of luck Vivek!
Nice Interview of Vivek.My One of the good facebook friend and sometimes advice me in technical stuff.thanks to krazypost.
Great to see that u liked the interview
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Hey admin, thanks for sharing your experience with Vivek, I’m sure you have enjoyed it a lot. Keep going.
Hi Admin
It is such Inspiration story and it Inspire many newbie Bloggers
And all the best for your future
And it is really Cool and Nice Guy!
Very nice post