Which Blogging Niche to select from ?

Blogging Niche

Hello and welcome back to www.krazypost.com

Hope now you have got an overview about blogging and having your own blog. Now its time to see which blogging niche is most advice-able for you.

Before you select any blogging niche, points you should remember:

  1. You should be well worse with in that topics
  2. You should be in continuous touch in what is happening round in your field
  3. You should have discussion with friends and relative about your topics
  4. You should be in a position to explain the stuff a better way like any other blogger

If you can do this then you can very well select one of the niche and start blogging.

Blogging Niche
Blogging Niche

Different Blogging Niche

If you ask me what are different blogging niche which we can start.

The list goes on:

Technology (Mostly preferred by many)

In this niche many young generation like to share their experience about mobiles, gadgets, computer and various techy and freaky devices they come across. Though there may be thousand of tech bloggers but your blog will still get an audience if you have something in unique.


Now a days people have started becoming health freak and topics related to health are widely accepted in any age group. You as a blogger can spread voice about the health issues and remedies over the blog for the readers.

Investment and Insurance

Investment and Insurance are two things which every earning person in this world want to take care of. Now a days there are so many option available for Investment and Insurance in the market, a common man is always scared of taking a wrong decision with wrong option for himself. So he first do read blog on this topics before taking his/her decision

Banking and Finance

This is another good niche after Investment and Insurance. Banking and Finance sector is expanding like wild fire in the market today. People like to have news about them soon.

Real Estate

Real Estate is one kind of Investment and business thats been running from long years, Not only in India,but round the globe. There are ups and down in real estate sector but still this business has its place in the market. People tends to buy a property atleast once in a life times, which has thousands of complication. Even topics on this niche is widely accepted

Training and Courses

This is again one good niche which is spread like a wild fire. If you want to learn anything or find some good article for your research, just Google it and you get thousands of portals fulfilling your needs.

Personal Relationship and advice (This would be little unique)

This niche is something personal and depends on what you exactly wants to give by your voice. This may be related to Love and Relationship, Marriages, Personal Stress, etc. This are also very much famous topics for young generation.

Choice is Your:

You can select one of the niche from this topics and start your blog.

Happy Blogging

Please do comment with your blogging niche and any other blogging niche you would like to share.

14 thoughts on “Which Blogging Niche to select from ?”

  1. Thank you Sahil for making life easier. Technology is the most hot topic, that should be the reason why most are in it. However, I’ve heard that the health blogs earns better as they have higher CPC ads. I wished to but I feel I’m a dumb when thinking to write about health products. 😀

  2. Well yes it’s true that the dominant is for Tech related niche blogs nowadays. Well I am thinking of starting another blog now but not sure of the niche.

    Really the niche you mentioned are cool. Short, simple and easy to recognize.

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  4. Having a lot of knowledge in your niche is important, of course. A blog requires regularly updated content, so if you can’t think of many blog post ideas straightaway then maybe that particular niche isn’t the right one to go for.

    I know that is common sense, but people often forget this. They choose a niche they have little knowledge in because they think that it will make them lots of money. Definitely a bad decision!

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