How to create blog on

As I have mentioned my blogging journey, where I first started blog on

I will help how to start blog on

For starting a blog on (which is free).

Step 1: Go to, here you would see the screen as seen below. It will ask for your user id and password, if you any account with or , you can use the same login credential or you can sign up for new account.


Blogger Step 1
Blogger Step 1












Step 2:  if you sign up for for first time, following screen will appear as seen below. You need to enter your display name, which would be seen on dashboard and you need to agree “Terms and Condition” to go ahead

Blogger Step 2
Blogger Step 2


Step 3: One you click continue, you would be ready to use and following screen appears

Blogger Step 3
Blogger Step 3

Step 4: Now you are ready to create your first blog.  Click on the button “New Blog” on left side. You would see a screen as seen below, here you need to enter title for your blog. As you can see I have entered “This is my first blog on” as title and you need to select one of the available address for your blog e.g is taken by me for my blog.

Its very necessary that the address should be simple to remember by your readers.

Select the template from the list provided, you can also change the template at later stages.

Blogger Step 4
Blogger Step 4


Step 5: After you click on “Create blog!”, it will register the address entered by you for your self and blog would be ready for you to use. You will see screen as seen below, will contain a link asking you to “Start posting”. This means your blog is live and ready to reach out to audience.

Blogger Step 5
Blogger Step 5


Your can  post your content to your blog.

Happy Blogging


1 thought on “How to create blog on”

  1. Pingback: How to Start Blogging? | Teckarena

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