Hello friends welcome back to KrazyPost.com, I am writing after quite long time. Sorry for that, I would like to share my experience with WordCamp Pune 2015.

Firstly, if you don’t know what WordCamp is, I will tell you in brief what exactly WordCamp is. WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress. WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users. I am one of the active members for Mumbai. For Pune many active WordPress users came forward in organizing the event. I would like to thank all the organizers and volunteers who made a successful event.
The event was on 6th Sept 2015, the event must have started at around 10:00(As usual, I went to the event late at around 12).
I went to registration desk to confirm my attendance and collect giveaways. (T-Shirt, Mug , Sippers, Stickers, etc)

The lunch was really awesome – Club sandwich and Modak (sweets) was really awesome.
There were many sessions in different tracks at different locations. I will highlight the one I attended. You can check the complete scheduled WordCamp Pune Schedule.
- Beyond the Blackboard: Building Education Products for South Asia – Mahangu Weerasinghe
- Promote your WordPress Plugin or Theme – Shilpa Shah
This session highlighted very basic understanding what is the importance of developing WP themes and plugins and how to promote. - The Business of WordPress – Moderator: Karthik Magapu
Panelists: Rahul Bansal, Sathish Nagarajan, Premanshu M, Amit Singh, Preetinder Sehgal
This session was a panel discussion with many CEOs who do business with WP. With cocktail of Product based and Service based enterprise using WP. Highlight of WP market share and revenue model in different market. - WP Design Pattern – Karthik Magapu
This session was basically to make you remember the forgotten WP approach in WP development. The one who follows this is happiest developer.
Networking and After party:
In the event I met https://twitter.com/topher1kenobe, he said Networking should be the main agenda of such event, and it’s very true. You interact with many people; understand what’s going in the community around different corners of the world. It’s because of networking in WordCamp Pune 2013 (my first WordCamp) and WordCamp Mumbai (2014, 2015) I made many friends for like Alex Gounder, Aditya Kane, Sanat Hegde, Sujay Pawar, Karthik Magapu, Shilpa Shah, Rahul Bansal, Premanshu M, Amit Singh, Saurabh Shukla, Abhishek, Bigul M (sorry if i have not mentioned any). There are many, if I start listing all of them. But important point is that you get to know each other better when you talk to this people. Every person has his/her own identity and you get to know something from each one of them. To the above list, I have added Mr Nirav Mehta with whom I discussed many things like dos and don’ts for such events.
During the event there were many stalls outside the auditorium (mainly of sponsors). To name few to whom i attended was of
- rtCamp – rtCamp is product and service provider for WP based out of Pune
- MilesWeb – MilesWeb is web hosting service provider
- Jetpack – No words is required if you are using WP
- Bluehost – Bluehost is web hosting service provider
- gomobi – Provides mobile solutions for your business
- OnTheGoSystems – WPML provides multi-language plugins support for WP
Overall it was fun-filled event. If any one of you likes to attend such event, there is upcoming event in Mumbai 2016. Stay in touch, subscribe to newsletter to get the updates.