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In this tutorial I will explain how to setup feedburner and activate RSS subscription for your blog on blogger.com
When you have your blog on blogger.com you get a sub domain from blogspot.com/blogspot.in(country specific) or your own self hosted wordpress blog
For eg:
http://thisismytestblogon.blogspot.in/ this is my test blog on blogger.com
Lets go ahead and set up RSS for the blog
Step 1: Go to http://feedburner.google.com and login with your Google credentials
Step 2: Type in your blog/feed address in the box specified

Step 3: It will ask for feed source , feed source is Atom / RSS , you can select either depending on your requirement and proceed further.
The feed URL for blogspot blog would be
For Atom 1.0: http://blogname.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
For RSS 2.0: http://blogname.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

Step 4: Now, it will ask for title and feed address, remember feed address will be unique as for our blog its http://feeds.feedburner.com/krazypost

Step 5: After this your feedburner is ready and you can go ahead activate various options

Step 6: One of the option is to activate email subscription after which you will get code to place in your blog.
Step 7: For activation of email subscription traverse to “Publicize” from main navigation and under that “Email Subscription” from left hand side. Click on “Activate” button to activate the service.

Step 8: From “Subscription Management” you will get the code which you can add to your blog and subscription widget would be seen in your blog
Hi Sahil,
Great Share!!
Great Tutorial for Newbie Bloggers!! Great Job!! 🙂
Thanks Mosam, hope this was useful for you
hey sahil bro!
a nice article, it would surely help me 🙂
Thanks Vivek for visiting my blog
Hi Sahil,
Its Amazing Article, Which you have shared with us Really Its very helpful for me. and i hope we will get +ve results. keep doing well bro..
Sahil, This article is really helpful for new bloggers. You have done great job. Keep it up 🙂