Hello Fans and Readers of KrazyPost.com, welcome back to the interview section on the blog.
Last week, as I stated and started an “Blogger Interview Section“, last week we met “Atish Ranjan from Tech Tricks World” and I hope you did like the article.
Today, we would be going through insight of one more such icon in the blogosphere. His name is Nishant Srivastava – man behind GeekBlogTips.com. I personally have interacted with him many a times and he is very kind and helpful person in blogger community.

So lets see what he has to say for us.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Please tell us about yourself and your blog ?
Nishant: very typical Question , I am still finding myself where I am, Who I am because this is not my limit and I can’t tell about me until I know everything about me, but in general way I am Fun loving person from Delhi, as per my qualification I am a software and web developer works on Microsoft technologies, but my passion is Blogging so I am active in blogging.
I have 3 blogs but Geek Blog Tips is the main Blog for which people recognize me as a blogger.
Sahil(KrazyPost): How did you enter the blogging world?
Nishant: Well it’s a long story but I would love to share with you, When I was in 12th Std, I started my work with Computers and internet, and I was thinking to do something within the computer science field, so I joined BCA, when I was in BCA (2010) I created my first Blogspot blog, which name was geekstrack.blogspot.com.
Blogging was not my main motive of creating blog, I was using that blog only to create notes of my studies, after few months I found I am getting traffic on my blog and I have many readers who love to read my study notes, in early 2011 I tried my luck with Adsense, and got approval with blogspot blog,
YES with blogspot blog now it’s very difficult to get Adsense account even with dot-com domains, within 3 month of approval I got my first Adsense check of $118.09, that is not looking that much big amount but for sharing study notes it’s a good amount, then I realized that I can do blogging and I started learning about blogging, SEO and other things related to blogging.
In June 2011 Purchased my first domain GeeksTrack.com, I was very Happy that now I am the owner of a blog, then I start writing about technology related articles, Programming tutorials, I was sharing everything which I was learning in my Education my projects, research everything.
I was getting good traffic and receiving checks monthly from Adsense, so this is my story how I entered in blogging world.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Are you a part time blogger or a full time blogger?
Nishant: I am working as a full time blogger and a Freelance Developer, I don’t like to work under someone that’s why I choose blogging as a career, currently I am not earning that much from blogging but still I am living on my blogging and freelancing work so you can call me a as a sometimes part time sometimes full-time blogger. 😛
Sahil(KrazyPost): What do you do apart from blogging?
Nishant: As I said, I am a fun loving guy, I love making fun with friends in the real and virtual world, I am a complete movie freak, love watching every good movie, language doesn’t matter for me.
Sahil(KrazyPost): How much time do you spend on your blog weekly?
Nishant: I always try to spend at least 4 to 5 hrs on blogging related work daily, for example searching for new ideas, SEO, Traffic generation and other blogging stuff, but I spend more time on social sites like Twitter, Facebook and some webmasters discussion forums, and in rest of the time I work for my clients.
Sahil(KrazyPost): How blogging has changed your life?
Nishant : Not Only blogging, I can say Internet changes my life completely, Because I earned my name and fame through my website(www.ignoucloud.com), I know this website is unknown for most of the bloggers but IGNOU students knows this website, This website has more than 15,000 registered users within 1 year, and people know me in my College only because of my website.
But blogging was the building block of this website, if I was not aware of the internet and blogging then I never do such things like other students.
So I can say Blogging changes my life and I am very happy with my current life.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Which are other blog you own?
Nishant: I have 3 blogs and 1 website
Geekstrack.com has been sold!
Sahil(KrazyPost): Which blogging platform you prefer? WordPress/Blogger – Why?
Nishant: I prefer WordPress now, but I can work on blogger too, I prefer WordPress because self hosted blogs has more control than WordPress blog, you can make changes as per your choice, and blogger blogs can be deleted by Google, but WordPress has no restrictions.
Sahil(KrazyPost): How do you monetize your blog?
Nishant: I apply different methods for different kinds of websites, like for my technology blog I use Adsense, Adsense works perfect in tech blogs and also I get some sponsored posts.
For Geek Blog Tips I am still just using some affiliate earning options, not monetizing that much, I want more growth of that blog after that I will think about monetizing Geek Blog tips.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Which fellow bloggers you follow the most?
Nishant: I can answer this question properly here, it’s a huge list of Bloggers some of them are Amit Shaw(Itechcode), Rahul kuntala (Learn blog tips), Derek Halpern (Social trigers), Ileane Smith (Basic Blog tips) , Jane Sheeba (Pro Blogging Success ), Ehsan Ullah (Guide and News) Sorry I can’t mention all, I am following many other great bloggers also.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Any Blogging Tips you would like to give to our readers?
Nishant : Only one Tip i can give, Stop working for Google be Natural Google will love you, most of blogger always try to impress Google, but as per my suggestion just impress your readers, if you make one reader happy he will give you 5 new readers and followers in return, and if you have followers who are giving you new followers then search engines will also love your blog.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Any success/failure you would like to share from your blogging journey?
Nishant:I have Long list of failures, I have lots of unfinished projects and I know they will remain unfinished, but I have few successful projects also like Geek Blog Tips, IGNOU CLOUD and some are under construction which will be successful in near future.
Sahil(KrazyPost): Which blogging niche is most famous?
Nishant : I think Technology Niche is very popular and crowded but still it has lots of scope, I am writing an E book specially for new bloggers who wants start their Blogging on Tech Blog.
We, all readers from KrazyPost,com wishes Nishant All the best for his blogging career.
Also, Nishant is coming up with an eBook about blogging – We give best wishes to him for the book. And I hope this interview inspired you take some more steps in your blogging path.
Happy Blogging.!!!
I know Nishant From quite some time. He is good guy and a good blogger too. Nice to know NIshant that you are making a living with your freelance N blogging Stuffs.
ALl the very very best for your upcoming e-Book.
Thanks Atish for visiting.
Nishant is great guy and good helper friend.
Its nice to hear that you liked the interview very much, Thanks for appreciating
Hi Atish,
Thanks bro, But I want to be a full time permanent blogger 😉 , I know its difficult but I can do with the supports of all my fellow bloggers who are my friends.. 🙂
ban jaoge bro Jaldi bus stay motivated and be passionate what you do. Nothing is impossible!
Hey Sahil,
Awesome Interview and i really enjoyed while reading and it’s always a pleasure to know more about Blogging Stars! 🙂
Ahh! What to say about Nishant, he is just not only a Successful blogger but yea a Very Good Guy whom i met accidentally on Networking Site and it’s like a pleasure to met with him. I’ve learnt a lot from him Just not only about Blogging about Life also. He is really Kind hearted guy and after meeting him i’m really impressed with him and just thought these kinds of guys are still on earth 😛
He is a Down to earth personality, I never seen him in Attitude, Very Humble, Very Nice.
I Really wish him All the very best for his life and wish he will achieve more and more Success in his life! 🙂 And I’m eagerly waiting for his E-Book 😀
Happy Blogging! 🙂
~ Sugandha!
Thanks Sugandha for visiting and appreciating, Yes he is really good and always ready to help
Hi Sugandha for writing lots of lies :P, Thanks for these kind words….
and you missed one thing, I am funny Guy :).
Op’s that’s what u r really.. n haan really aaj bahut Jhoot bole maine 😛 😀
Great Sahil !! good one ….
Nishant ” Sirjee” good person to be in touch with …! 🙂
Thanks Vivek 🙂 Nishant is a great guy in blogging world 🙂
Thanks Vivek 🙂
Hi Sahil,
Great Job!
One of the my Favorite blogger Nishant who always Help me. Thanks Sahil For this interview. Great Job Great Going! 🙂 Keep it up the Good Work 🙂
Thanks Mosam for the appreciation, Nishant is always helping other
Hi Sahil,
Great Interview!
It’s my first time being introduced to Nishant, but I can tell he is a very talented blogger. To run 3 blogs and a website, you must be talented in this area.
I am glad to learn more about Nishant and his blogging journey and I wish him all the best with his new e-book.
Thanks Sahil for such a great Interview and wish you all the best Nishant.
Be Blessed,
Thanks Neamat for reviewing the article and appreciating.
Yes Nishant is great guy handling multiple blog and website as well
You can surely check out his eBook which would be published soon, so wait till then. 🙂
Well the interviewer got interviewed. I didn’t know all this about him and its great to see that he has a ton of experience in creating success.
Every body wants to have experience of other side of the table, he does take interviews of others, now it was his chance to get interviewed.
First of all I would like to shout out a ‘HI’ to both of you. I know Nishant for quite a long time and I have had a very good time with him and his blogs, he is a guy who is so helpful to others. It was nice to see an INteRview of Nishant here by Sahil 🙂 This was really a great work done. I am waiting for more good works from your blog 😀
~ Manual Joseph
Thanks Manual Joseph, for getting in touch with both of us, Its really nice to see you around.
Thanks for the appreciation and yes its long way to go.
Hello Sahil
Thanks a lot friend for writing this great interview of my best Blogger in my community none other than Nishant Srivastava.
I know Nishant from the last six months and he is the only person through which I have come to know about this creative world of Blogging and Bloggers. Although I am not a Blogger but Every move of Nishant inspire me to start one. I have read a lot of Interview on Geek Blog Tips and basically I love to read blog interviews and hope you will also keep writing about others Bloggers like Geek Blog Tips.
Best Wishes.
Thanks Deepesh for finding this article inspirational.
Do keep visiting this, blog you will surely some more from us.
Hi Deepesh,
I am really glad that you like my interview series, and I know brother you really love me and my blog, Thanks for giving me so much love and honor.
Hi Sahil ,
Great Interview Bro I Have read all the articles written by Nishant Srivastava ..He is Amazing with his content 🙂 Thanks For Sharing this interview with us 🙂 Keep up the good work 🙂
Thanks Srikanth for appreciating
thanks nice jobs sahil
Wow Nishanth Bro Great answer for
Any Blogging Tips you would like to give to our readers?
Thanks Ramesh, yes its always beneficial to have content and readers then try to impress Google 🙂
Hi Ramesh,
I would Like to give only one tip to each and everyone, I am still learning, but one thing I know that if you try to impress Google you will never progress, just impress your readers and followers.
Really Awesome Interview of Great informative person. I have seen his blog many time and i daily visitor his blog. I like All Blogs of Nishant. because they are informative and useful for every reader and new blogger. …… and thanks @Sahil for this interview. Coz i really want to read @nishant interview :). It was my dream 🙂 ;p
Rahul Kashyap
Its nice to hear that you liked the interview very much, Thanks for appreciating
😛 Your dream!!
Dream Something big buddy, Thanks A lot Rahul, Without my readers I am nothing!
Good work Sahil! Nice interview with another great blogger. Really good to know about Nishant and his blogs. He is one of my favorite blogger and I never miss his post to read in geekblogtips.
Hope he is a talented guy, providing the freelance services.
I wish him that he should attain the great success in blogging!!!
Thanks to Sahil for doing the great job.
Hi Nirmala Mam,
Thanks for writing some kind words about me, I know you read each and every blog post by me, thanks for giving me so much respect!
Awesome work sahil!
Nishant is great blogger… i love to read his articles and learned many things from his blog about blogging
Thanks Neeraj for the appreciation and yes Nishant is great bloggger and guide.
I am friend with Nishant on Facebook, and ever since I am following his posts it has come to my notice that he’s very transparent with his writings and tips and i really like it that way, Great Interview Sahil btw 😀
Thanks Satish for visiting, indeed Nishant writes well and many follow his blogs
Nice work Sahil! Well, he is indeed a really nice guy and really enjoyed reading his own words. And yes, one’s first priority should be to impress readers rather than Google, it will make readers happy and thus increases the fan base. Best of luck to Nishant and well done Sahil 🙂
Thanks Nizam, you liked the article and appreciating
nice job sahil , these type of interview are very helpful for newbies . Nishant is a good guy and very co-operative .I always eager to read their blogs article.
thanks for sharing .
Thanks for appreciating the article and you read Nishant blog on http://www.geekblogtips.com
yes … Really nishanth Sri vasthava is a good blogger he helps me a lot. And i am very happy to read his interview here. Thanks to the admin for giving this type of valuable and use full interview. From 2012 i am working on this field but never found like a helping person like Nishanth. I wish very good luck to nishanth bhai for the Ebook. We all are waiting for your ebook.
Thanks Satish for appreciating the article and Yes, Nishant is great person and guide. His eBook is released and you can subscribe on his blog to get the eBook downloaded
Really good compilation , Inspiring and motivating, Keep it up. Although many things are common but these king of post inspires and motivated the blogger in genral
Thanks man for such and awesome interview and insights !
nice interview. Really inspiring and motivating.
Thanks for the post.